
Showing posts from August, 2019


This blog was due in the 7th week of the outreachy internship period but due to prior engagement, its coming in this late. Like they say, better late than never :). During the Outreachy application phase, I came up with a timeline to guide me during the Outreachy internship period. It is but normal that things don't always go as we plan them. Most times we could be lagging behind due to one or more bugs which we didn't foresee when drafting the timeline or better still we could be way ahead of the timeline because we allocated more time to some things we thought would be time consuming. In this light its time for me to review and modify my timeline. As regards to my timeline, I am supposed to be carrying out migration of users from the mailing list to the discourse forum now. As at now I haven't still been given a deployment environment. While I am still waiting for the community guys in charge of creating me a space on their instance, I have been working on my...